Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Natural Consequences

We went to the cafeteria on base to have lunch with some friends today. Kaden's eyes were bigger than his belly and he came back to the table with a huge bowl full of ice cream. It was loaded so high, that it was overflowing and spilling down the sides. After a few bites, he announced that he was finished.
Kevin and I are working hard to allow our children the opportunity to experience natural consequences for their poor choices. So naturally Kevin told him that he would have to finish the entire bowl of ice cream. Excuse me, this is a punishment? Tell me what kid wouldn't want to eat ice cream until their stomachs ached? How can this be effective?

Kaden,of course, cried and complained, but eventually complied. When he was finished, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and with pumpkin flavored soft serve dribbling down his chin he said, "I think I lost my sweet tooth".

I laughed.


Amy said...

I wish Kevin would just pull mine! I love that Kaders! Give all your kids hugs from me. Have a merry Christmas!!!!

Unknown said...

My Mom did that to me once with a bowl of green pepper strips, apparently I really liked them as a child. I can't stand them any more... :)

Lokodi said...

ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the laugh. That's a great story.


Krista said...

My kids would try to outlast me with their stubborness--how long would you wait if they refused to eat? That is my question. Still funny quote from Kaden!

Heather said...

that is a great story and reminder about natural and logical consequences! Very good to remember as a parent!

Emily Snow said...

Umm, I saw that actual PLATE of ice cream and it was 1) not nearly as appetizing as this and 2) HUGE! I can't believe he ate all of it!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

after all the pecan and apple pie i've had today, my stomachjust turned reading this....poor kid.

Unknown said...

****SMILE!****I love kids!