Thursday, August 20, 2009

Here We Go Again.........

Same foot; different toe. There is something about broken toes and moving that seems to be a painful reoccurring combination. Just over two years ago, I was pregnant with Ava, and preparing to move from Germany to Texas. Admittedly not one of my smartest ideas, I decided to rearrange the furniture by myself one day. The result? The removal of my big toe nail. Not a pretty sight just entering sandal season in the heat of Texas. It took 5 months to grow back.

Fast forward to this past May as we were preparing to move back to Germany from Texas. If you really want to read the full glorious story click here, if not, the short story is that I broke my middle toe. Right before a trip to Disney World I should add. It took about 6 weeks to fully heal.

Lastly, just a few days ago, as we were packing our bags and preparing to move out of the hotel, I accidentlly tripped over a suitcase and broke my fourth toe. Perhaps I should start wearing steel-toed boots. Or, perhaps we should stop moving and finally settle down somewhere.


Brittany said...

steel toes boots huh? You are hilarious! Sorry about the toe though - ouch!

Unknown said...

ow! That looks painfull. I have same bad luck, but with burns on my right forarm! I now have three ugly scars in the past six months!