I can't hardly believe that we have had littly Livy-Love for four months already. She is such a sweet baby and truly a joy! If you ask me, I think she is a mini Lauren and reminds me so much of her big sister at this age. Some of the things that she is doing right now......
Smiling, smiling, smiling (except in these pics for some reason)
Sleeping 9-10 hours in a row at night (YAY!!)
Discovered her hands and loves to suck on her fingers much to Kevin's dismay
Pulls mom's hair every chance she can get
Drools like crazy (teeth already?)
Loves her play mat and is starting to hold toys
Gets the giggles when she is ready for a nap
First time hanging out in her Bumbo Chair.
Thanks for the super cute diaper cover and hair pretty Aunt Kelsie and Uncle Brian!
How can you not want to smoother that sweet face in kisses?